Dearest Comrades ,I decided to participate in the Deputy President contest with the objectives of promoting new mindset , new political moral value , new style , new interaction , new team , new MCA and new Barisan Nasional in order to face the challenges of recent political and financial tsunami.

(1) 提倡UQ政治,回归自然发展之道,体现马华之民主自由、民族民权民生政治,让所有各级领导和广大基层同智,上上下下,左左右右都能参与发展党务!
(2) OQ政治,二不一要,三革二兴OQ政治,有组织(ORGANIZED),有基层的政治运动,有圆融完满的政治理想,有组织领导才干,领导不但有方而且要有圆。
参考老子哲学:-信言不美,美言不信; 善者不辩,辩者不善;知者不博,博者不知。天之道:利而不害圣人之道:为而不争为人民服务奉献,而不争个人高官权势。
1) UQ POLITICS to promote UQ Politics , i.e. back to the natural development , to promote liberal and democratic politics in MCA with emphasis on core-values such as
a) democratic principles ;
b rights of the rakyat as enshrined in the Constitution ;
c) people centric.
UQ Politics stressed on ability to adapt to changes , to differentiate between rights and wrongs.
In 1919 , during the new cultural movement in China we had seen the emergence of AQ Politics. In the 80thies , IQ Politics was prevalent and in 90thies , EQ Politics was brought up quite often. Entering year 2008 and moving forward , I am proposing UQ Politics which is a new mindset and new moral value.
In a way , UQ also emphasizes on cohesion of you and me , instead of taking a divided and opposite stand of your team and my team. U means you. In the past , most peoples are subjective , self-centered without taking care of the other peoples’ feeling.
UQ also means united and unity. We must have a united new MCA , new BN. MCA not only has to revitalize but must also take the lead to revitalize BN , including to end UMNO’s hegemony and its high-handed behavior.
2) OQ PoliticsOQ Politics require organized and grass-rooted political movement..
2 Don’ts and 1 Do
1st Don’t – not to cling to power and position
2nd Don’t – not to go against rightness and justice , to uphold constitution , to be outspoken and be courageousDo - be earnest and down-to-earth in serving the party , the people.
3 Nos and 2 Yes
1st No. - No to ISA ;
2nd No. - No to NEP and its subsequent discriminatory economic policies
3rd No. - No to unfair education policy and unequal monetary allocation forEducation.
1st Yes - Yes to multi-racial , harmonious , fair and equal treatment to the people
2nd Yes - Yes to speaking for the truth , words and actions must be consistent.