Sep 11, 2008

Nasi Kandar万岁!

近日频频收获抵制NASI KANDAR餐店的短讯,短讯内容大致上一样,指全马所有NASI KANDAR餐店支持阿末的言论,因此要全面抵制NASI KANDAR餐店。


真的要抵制吗?这样的话大专生不就少了一些乐趣吗?这样就没有借口不陪女朋友看半夜场了,还好我的年代过了,不知道怎样还是替以后的年轻人忧虑,没有MAMAK/NASI KANDAR往后夜生活怎么过?


Hi all,

Pls forward this email to all your 'non-Malay' friends
Fully & continuously boycott nasi kandar & the Mamaks. Let the god-damn Mamaks feel our people's power

From Justice League

Why We Should Stop Eating Nasi Kandar & Boycott Mamak

1. Malaysia Nasi Kandar Association 100% supports Ahmad Ismail (the son of bitch who said that Chinese & Indian are just 'penumpang' in Malaysia).

2. The owner of Kayu Nasi Kandar - his name Musa – also UMNO President of Penang branch - is the bastard who proposed to PM so that all mega-projects in Penang on hold after the opposition took over Penang following the 8th March 08 general election & it really happens.

These on-hold projects include outer-ring / coaster highway, Penang monorail & Penang 2nd Bridge.

3. Nasi kandar contains opium After eating nasi kandar, your urine test will show 'positive' for drugs & I am not bluffing (pls see pic for newspaper report). In other words, nasi kandar contains drugs. Eating nasi kandar = taking drugs......and that's why many people are 'nasi kandar addicts'........

4. Nasi kandar is unhygienic. Still remember this sensational case – one nasi kandar worker making roti canai after going to toilet without washing his hands. Customers saw the shit on his ring & he was beaten up aferwards.............

5. Nasi kandar is unhealthy. The curry is very very oily & we can almost relate it to heart-diseases, stroke, high blood pressure & so on... Also can you imagine what happens to the left-over / excessive curry, meat & vegetables…...

Do you think they are going to just throw them away? Who knows how many days already they have been there?


  1. 我也有收到这样的短讯,但是,一笑置之。



  2. 最近的大学生已经开始“淹没”Old Town了,只有我们这些“传统”的学院生和大学生仍然默默地在“骂骂党”yum char.


  3. 这很容易擦槍走火,伤害无辜,如果马来人大反攻,全面杯葛华人商店,会是个种族科题,也是全体马来西亚人的不辛。

  4. 侠客赞成。不要因为一个Mamak 就把全部Mamak 封杀。这样我们跟阿末有何分别。

  5. 普篇上,华人并不歧视他族。实际上,华人爱国是不容质疑的。


    什么必要 ahmed ismail 需要在记者会上配合 mamak 100% 的支持?又什么必要 mamak 需要在记者会表示支持 ahmed ismail? 。。 不代表了 mamak 100% 的排侧华人的权益吗?不代表了 100% 对寄居论的赞同吗?

    虽然我不认为杯葛 mamak 对社会融洽带来好处,但也不完全否决出发点是一个违背道德的行为。


    大营幕里放话,是有一定的责任和代价,为何只能认同 ahmeh ismail 必须道歉,而煽风点火的幕后壮胆黑手不应该受到谴责呢?
