巴生港口自由贸易区一揽子工程承包商Kuala Dimensi私人有限公司的母公司威加雅巴鲁国际有限公司(Wijaya Baru Global Berhad)集团的副行政总裁兼执行董事法依沙阿都拉(Faizal Abdullah)证实,交通部长翁诗杰确实曾乘坐该公司旗下飞机五次,而且还拖欠该公司逾10万元费用不还。
郑全行的出现就是一个最好的证明,他是从原本的宗教(或没有任何信仰)皈依回教,因此才会失去本身的原名,曾聒从来不反对任何人皈依回教,就像之前所写的 OCBC(Orang Cina Bukan Cina)的文章中所指的,宗教是一种信仰,不是一个讳莫如深的迷信字眼,也不完全是传统或文化。 任何宗教并没有指示信徒皈依后脱离所有的血缘关系,忘记本身的文化根本,有如农历新年、中秋、冬至、端午与宗教无关,宗教中的思想精华是在追求某种精神性的东西,而不是着重于某种现实性的需要,也没有种族异样之别。 有些人会因为缘份(结婚、相信)、追求人生价值和意义、探索心灵慰藉、基于原有的信念和疑惑,触摸宗教;也有一些皈依宗教是因生存中的苦难或不幸要在现实中寻求解脱,很少有人去追寻精神家园,更少有人达到世界观、人生观的层次。 (注:曾聒并没有提及皈依为了升官发财。)
这篇题为《马来人别懦弱》(Melayu jangan jadi bacul)的文章是由《马来西亚前锋报》记者诺阿占(Noor Azam)执笔,内容主要是警告马来人,由华印裔主导的民联一旦执政,意味着马来人的政治权力将消失殆尽,如果换成是某中文报由某小记者撰写,隔天各媒体的头条将会是“总编辑被迫离职”或“总编辑停职查办”。
"We want to establish the truth and nothing but the truth... it is important for us to ensure that public faith and confidence in important institutions."
Such an assertive statement comes from none other than the Prime Minister, Najib Abdul Razak (pic left) on Wednesday while announcing the Cabinet decision to set up a royal commission to look into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission's investigative procedures and to determine if there were any human right violations when the late Teoh Beng Hock was being interrogated.
He also revealed that an inquest will be held to determine Teoh's cause of death.
While such a statement just sounds too good especially coming from someone who till to-date has yet to fully absolve himself of the Altantuya controversy, let’s give him the benefit of doubt that the soon to be set up Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) could really achieve what it is intended for, that is to find out Teoh’s cause of death and not just another whitewash, like what happened to the Lingam Tape controversy and the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) – which now remained as academic, if not another controversy themselves.
Teoh’s untimely and mysterious death has shaken the nation at the same time exposed serious flaws in the investigative procedures of our law enforcement agencies.
Death in custody not only reflects badly on the relevant authorities but also our nation as a whole and this may have a far-reaching impact on our country especially when foreign investors start losing confidence in this country.
I therefore hope the soon to be set up royal commission will compel our law enforcement agencies to review their investigative procedures and to recommend those of international standard, not only to prevent a recurrence but also to safeguard their own reputation.
If Najib Tun Razak and the government is really sincere with his "1Malaysia,People First,Performance Now" motto,he should abolish the MACC and replace it with one appointed by the King and answerable only to Parliament.Presently,MACC is answerable only to the Prime Minister who can always use it against the opposition.
In fact, many countries have audio and visual recordings of all their interviews with the suspects or witness..
It is also worth considering making the pathology department an independent body so as to ensure a more credible investigation and solving of severe crimes involving death, especially those which happened to involved the law enforcement agencies.
I would also like to present to you here a short video clip sent to me by a reader of this blog which exposes the obnoxious treatment of a suspect in custody.