Nov 1, 2010








  1. 人家还特地前往当地,向马华的临工小妹和热心人士明察暗访,结果马上还原真相,不如振国兄请这位高人开个记者会以正视听吧?

  2. 建議馬華星報像專訪Jho Low 一樣,漏夜來個“吉蘭丹臨時工小妹” 獨家訪問揭秘,給它寫個滿滿三大頁,必定能一夜之間把吉蘭丹選情徹底翻盤,馬華支持率沖沖衝提高8成!!

  3. This is politic at it best..

    Learn from DAP, beng hock's case would be use all the way until next election.

    With this push, suddenly MCA also become the murderer...

    Ha.. they could not ask for a better result than this!!!

    If MCA want to have a chance in next election, better take a lesson.

    Nothing personal, only Politic .

  4. 如果做错的人勇于站出来,向有关人士道歉,事情可能就会平息,同样会赢得掌声。

  5. 來不及了,馬華捅了漏子,整天想著補洞,洞卻越補越大洞,謊言一個比一個離譜,看賽芝阿姨前後矛盾的講法就知道;現在加上那個自命不凡的神探肥波的推波助瀾,現在大家都豁出去了,你要叫誰道歉?大家的面子都掛不住。


  6. 神探肥波??哈哈!它应该是神棍肥波比较贴切。马华的政坛神棍。

  7. 还是一样的组织问题啦。马华的竞选机器极其落伍被动,除了瓜登补选有像样点的操盘手在后面镇住场面,可以处理突发危机和保住华人票之外,其他补选都一塌糊涂。


  8. 阿甘,马华中央干训局不是有一位高人坐镇吗?

  9. 我认为马华已经把全民挺明福这个组织当成敌人,所以才会发生这起事件。

  10. 其實我覺得整個事件會像滾雪球那麼越滾越大的原因,就是像你說的马华已经把全民挺明福这个组织当成敌人.

    如果我是馬華中央干訓局秘書長,我會先訓練那些部長副部長們要如何應對任何時候都會發生的突發事件,不要懼怕去接受備忘錄或對談,像鴕鳥一樣的完全的迴避行為在camera phone, youtube盛行的這個時代裡,絕對是下下之策。




  11. 这么久以来马华才真正活动干部,可是动作太慢了,加上如果每个领袖都听干部,那不如干部当部长,部长们去上课好了.....所以注定失败的......

  12. 我在上海读书更好,政治饭不好吃,现在反而可以冷眼看局势变化。我在中共党校这里看到的情况,连各级党委书记进到课堂对讲师都很尊敬,他们管的村镇规模大一点都过百万人口(比槟城还多),无论官做到再大,进到课室一样乖乖当学生抄笔记。这种学习型的组织文化没有几十年都沉淀不出来。马华的人在小地方呆太久了,官小小就“令伯心态”就现出来,还没看过大蛇屙尿,又看不起学者和做研究的人,自以为自己很厉害。我看到共产党官员都很注重民调(这里叫调研),懂得根据学术报告制定政策,用软硬手段疏解民怨,你说中共独裁嘛,他们却很有效率去控制社会,小国寡民的小官自己霸着位子又想学中共高压,又不懂自己的斤两有多少。

  13. Keykok (and all other Human member of M$A).

    Ask yourself, in a late night, look at the mirror, ask yourself, for what reason you wanna stay in party like that?

    A party that full with lyier, support racist policy, support corruption, and support misused of power given by People.

    Ask yourself, are you still a human, or are you just another animal like that polifuck?

    Ask yourself these question, if you still able to control your brain like a human.

  14. keykok,do u mind to share with us y u r still with MCA ?

  15. 振国,不要搞政治啦,去读书进修更好。

  16. Sometime I just dont understand.

    On the one hand, we want the politician be like saint and on ther hand, we hope they could give us all the benifit that we want by sacrify themselves if necessary.

    Well, FAT Chance!

    Just look at the election results of US and all over the world recently. All are against establishment, Why? Because all are not happy but moving forward. bigger peoblem is, could not find such a savior everywhere.

    As far as MCA is concern, just a old party that need new thking and right people..

    After so many years, there may be a lot of not so "right" people in the party but more importantly, there are also more "right" people in the party compare to any others.

    People like Ah Kam will come back one day.

    It is bad now but just remember of the hundreds may not been so good at certain times, we cant forget the contribution & sacrify by ten of thousands of grassroots over the years go to waste for nothing. Instead let those opportunist to start talking crab as if they had contributed much to the society.

    As long as u r doing the right thg, you do not have any problem to face the man in the mirror.

    Sometime in life people need to take a stand, not just find the easy way out.

    Happy Depavalli!!!

  17. stillwater,
    I dun agree with some of ur points,I never expect politician could be a saint but at least b someone that able to face the man in the mirror as u said,If u cannot score an A,at least u should get a B or C instead of D or even E.

    I dun c any good leader in current MCA,if there r more right people than the not so right people there,how come they got elected ?

    Rakyats are smart n not blind today,they know who is sincere to them,when there are voting the "opportunist",it means the other one is even worst.

  18. stillwater,
    I dun agree with some of ur points,I never expect politician could be a saint but at least b someone that able to face the man in the mirror as u said,If u cannot score an A,at least u should get a B or C instead of D or even E.

    I dun c any right guy in current MCA,can u name 1 for me ? If MCA want my support n respect,they have to earn it,not claim it.

  19. Spoken from experience, there are many lower rank or ordinary members that u could say supporting blindly without getting anything in return.

    They simply think that is the only way they could contribute to the society with their own limited ability by supporting and sacrifying their time & effort.

    Name a "Good" or "Right" leader..

    Hmmm, that is very subjective..

    Ongkating could be named as a good leaders as far as what he wishes to accomplish and to educate, even to elevate the whole race in term of attitude and education level..

    He failed because he could not turn all the effort into votes, and that is still the key today. The mechanism of turning all the effort, actions, and programme carried out into votes shall determine the faith of the said political party going forward.

    DAP had done fanstaticly well by just critizing and getting votes effectively partly also because UMNO is so arrogant with all the racial slur uttered previously.

    Currently CSL suppose to be a master executer, so hopefully he has a good roadmap to follow. WKS is not bad, dont u think?

    Anyway, Leaders come and goes, as long as the party is not mean to do wrong; party remains.

    MCA has not done anythings that is so bad over the last 20 years. The biggest sin would be not able to stand up to UMNO effectively but considered all the services provided over the period, it would still put all others into hall of shame in comparison.

    NOW we all understand it is not what u do that matter the most but more importantly, what people believe u r doing for their benifits.

    All party are just a vehicle, chinese should not be led to one corner and put all their eggs in one basket, the risk is too huge and we may lose it all one day.

    Then again, that is just one man opinion!

    Happy Deepavali to all..

  20. stillwater,

    thanx for ur response but I still not agree with ur view.

    Frankly,i have a good fren who is a MCA division head,I have seen some really ugly faces within MCA n I know how MCA leaders play the $ games,all the "right"or"good" leaders u mentioned r involved,I believe u also know more or less about that.

    I believe the main reason that coz the Tsunami 308 is corruption,so maybe u shouldn't blame it's only the fault of UMNO.

    "MCA has not done anything so bad for the last 20 years " !?.This statement really can win u some awards but I dun think u will feel proud to get em.Give u 1 example; the rotten fish head is on trial now,maybe u think what he has done is "sub sub sui" but we can't tolerate with it or u may argue the case is still under trial,he still can claim he is innocent.

    "Anyway, Leaders come and goes, as long as the party is not mean to do wrong; party remains." Let me modify this sentence a bit,Good or bad leaders also come n goes,party means or not means to do wrong also remains,the different is if they still get enough support to form the gov.

    Anyway,thanx for spending time to respond n thanx keykok for providing the platform.
